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Row U

- Asher Reuven son of Hillel 24 Elul 5685 13 September 1925

EPELSHTEIN Itshak son of Yehuda 28 Kislev 5684 6 December 1923

SETING / SHETING Dov Berl son of Bentsiyon 20 Sivan 5683 4 June 1923

- Azriel son of Arye Leib 10 Shvat 5679 11 January 1919 - Freide daughter of ? 2 Cheshvan 5682 3 November 1921

SHNEYER Fruma daughter of Yosef from Vilna 18 Nissan 5681 26 April 1921

- Avarahm Aba son of Betzalel ? Shvat 5668

- David Zeev son of Itshak ? Cheshvan 5685

- Avraham Elchanan son of Itschak Ayzik 5 Elul ?


KASSEL Sheine Chaya daughter of Ayzik 3 Elul

- Yehuda Leib son of Yaakov Ette daughter of ?

- Miriam daughter of Zeev Volf haKohen 20? Kislev ?

- Zvi Hirsh son of Itschak 14 Shvat 5652?

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- Rivka Golda daughter of Uriah 8 Iyar ?

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- Moshe son of Gedalyah 17 Nisan 5661 6 April 1901

- Efraim son of Yosef 7 Shvat 5662 15 January 1902

- Zvi son of Natan Notte 16 Nisan 5662 23 April 1902

- Ben -Tsiyon son of ?haLevi 6 Adar ?


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