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ZILBERMAN Yente Rivka daughter Yitzchak 14 Tevet 5697 17 December 1918

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MIGDALANSKY Menachem Mendel son Shmuel 11 Tamuz 5690 7 July 1930 MIGDALANSKY Chana Gitl daughter Shmuel 6 Shvat 5693 2 February 1933

RAGALSKY Moshe son Pinchas 25 Shvat 5681 3 February 1921

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GOLOMBIK Avraham Hayyim son Moshe Yonah date of birth 5654(1894) 27 Tevet 5681 7 January 1921

- Moshe son Dov 20 Nissan 5680 8 April 1920

GOLDBERG? Avigdor son Ayzik 7 Sivan 5678 18 May 1918

VILK Michael Menachem son Yosef HaLevi 29 or 30 Tishrei 5676 7 October 1915

KROST Yosef Gershon son Itzchak Dov 13 Iyar 5674 9 May 1914

- Hayim Yakov son Shalom ?

SHAPIRO Moshe Eliah son Baruch Aryo 1857 10 Tevet 5674 8 January 1914

EDUT Mordechai son Hayim 7 Cheshvan 5674 7 November 1913

KARNOVSKY Yehuda Leib son Aharon

- Betzalel son Moshe 7 Nisan 5673 14 April 1913

- Yehoshua Hoshel son Yehuda Leib 22 Elul 5660 16 September 1900

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- Ben-Tsiyon son Shlomo

- Hayim Yehuda Leib son

- Hoda Rosha daughter Aharon Tzvi 26 Cheshvan 5670 10 November 1909

TROIB Hinda - - 18 Iyar 5589 2 Iyar ?/5 May widow of Rabbi of Keidan Zalman Simcha Troib 21 May 1829

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- Michle daughter Rabbi Mordechai 26 Shvat 5672 14 February 1912

LANDZBERG Chaya Gittel daughter Shmuel Itschak 13 Adar 5674 11 March 1914

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SHISHITZISKY Yosef Leib son Moshe ? 5674 1914

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