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Maceva (hebrajiškai מצבה) - hebrajų kalba reiškia paminklinį akmenį.
Dažnai prisimenama, kad Lietuva buvo Rytu Europos žydų kultūros lopšys. Dažnai kartojama, kad čia, Lietuvoje, kadaise klestėjo didžiulė žydų bendruomenė, kurios turtingas tradicijas nutraukė Holokaustas. Pagal įvarius paskaičiavimus prieš karą Lietuvoje buvo apie 200-240 žydų kapinių.
Lithuania is often referred to as the cradle of Eastern European Jewish culture where a large vibrant Jewish community once flourished. This community’s rich cultural and religious traditions were eliminated during the Holocaust. According to various estimates, in pre-war Lithuania there were between 200-240 Jewish cemeteries. Read more
Students are bringing history to life
Dan Fink, Keidaner (USA)
Here's a poem by the late great Israeli poet Yehuda Amichai that speaks to what you are doing:
On a little hill amid fertile fields lies a small cemetery,
a Jewish cemetery behind a rusty gate, hidden by shrubs, abandoned and forgotten.
Neither the sound of prayer nor the voice of lamentation is heard there
for the dead praise not the Lord.
Only the voices of our children ring out, seeking graves and cheering
each time they find one--like mushrooms in the forest, like wild strawberries.
Here's another grave! There's the name of my mother's mothers, and a name from the last century. And here's a name, and there! And as I was about to brush the moss from the name-- Look! an open hand engraved on the tombstone, the grave of a kohen, his fingers splayed in a spasm of holiness and blessing, and here's a grave concealed by a thicket of berries that has to be brushed aside like a shock of hair from the face of a beautiful beloved woman.
Translated by Chana Bloch and Chana Kronfeld
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