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MELNIK Sheine Rivka daughter - 5 Elul 5686 15 August 1926

- Toiba Itta daughter of Yakov 18 Shvat 5663 15 February 1903

- Chaya Tcherna daughter of Tanchum 12 Nissan 5662 19 April 1902

- Mera daughter of ? 22 Av 5655 12 August 1895

- Sarah Ester daughter of Itzhak ? Sivan ?

- Zlate Gittl daughter of Yehuda Leib 5 Tevet 5654 14 December 1893

GELBLATT Aba Yehuda son of Moshe 1 Sivan 565?

? Yosef son of Avraham

? ? son of Hayim

- Avraham ?Uriah? son of Yehuda Leib 15 Shvat 5659 26 January 1899



- Eliezer son of Yosef from Labunova 30 Shvat 5660 30 January 1900



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