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Row G


MULLER Meir hayim son Gershon 16 Nissan 5695 19 April 1935


BURSHTEIN Shmuel Yakov son Meyshil 13 Iyar 5698 14 May 1938

LINDE Baruch son Yisrael 8 Adar I 5692 15 February 1932

FRIDLAND Zavil son Tzvi 8 Nissan 5691 26 March 1931

GADYE Hayim son Dov 25 Kislev 5691 should be: 5690 27 December 1929

LIPTZIK Alexander Reuven son Yisrael 3 Tamuz 5688 21 June 1928


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- Sheine Pesse daughter

- Bluma daughter Moshe 5 Adar II ?

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- Mordechai ? son Yaakov

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- Sarah daughter ?

- Mordechai son Ezriel Zelig

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YOFFE Meir Nathan son -

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- Batya Reiche daughter Yitzchak Ayzik 1 Shvat 5644 28 January 1884

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5690 1930

- Yaakov Yekel son Shlomo 16 Kislev 5695 23 November 1934

? ? ?

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